The AOL Self-Service Ad Platform; The Argument For A Display Futures Market

» AOL has announced details of a new self-service platform. Ad Desk is about to go into beta testing in the US with no firm date on its full release. The platform will allow agencies and advertisers to buy inventory across the network. There was no mention of an API for Demand Networks to plug into. The post did touch a little on its exchange strategy and whether or not it will make inventory available to other exchanges. At this time no ad impressions will be put through automated platforms, but they do remain big buyers from different inventory sources. The question now is will AOL build out this new platform to make and portal inventory available to buying platforms - as well as making it available through RTB. [Paidconent]

» Just as the market is getting used to the auction based spot market, another buying model is following hard on its heels. The futures market for display has been discussed for a while, but has failed to gain any real traction. In an article today with AdAge, COO Andy Atheron discusses the merits of forwards market for display - and how its existence would help big brand advertisers better plan and manage their supply chains. The premise here is that advertising is a key raw material in most consumer products (usually accounting for up to 20% of the wholesale price of a product), and as such advertisers should be able to lock down future price and supply of inventory. Atheron makes that point that nearly $15 billion of TV advertising is already transacted in a forwards market. He argues that display market should facilitate similar arrangements for large brand advertisers looking to buy display in the same way. [AdAge]

Ciaran O'Kane: Ciaran O’Kane is the CEO of WireCorp, the publishing holding group focused on the digital advertising, retail technology and gaming sectors.  He has worked in digital advertising over the last twenty years as a developer, digital marketer, ad operations provider, media monetisation specialist and senior sales executive.  He continues to write editorial for ExchangeWire on advertising technology, marketing technology and programmatic  - and acts as an advisor to a number of leading digital media companies in Europe.
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