
First-id Delighted to Attend this Year's DMEXCO

First-id, a cross-publisher first-party identification solution, compliant with cookieless environments, is thrilled to attend DMEXCO on 20th and 21st of September at Kholn, in Germany. 

As a privacy-first solution, First-id identifies itself as a powerful and interoperable pure player, able to extend advertisers' and media brands’ first-party data to the entire open web. From the optimisation of customer knowledge to the valorisation of medias’ advertising inventories to onboarding and shared consent, First-id serves as fuel to maximise the potential of existing ad tech solutions.

As the EMEA hub for ad tech networking, DMEXCO is a staple for publishers and tech leaders in the industry and First-id would be delighted to connect with publishers and brands.

To get in touch, feel free to email Valentine Weydert directly at valentineweydert@first-id.fr.