Multi-Ad Server Integration: goTom Now Shares Flights Across Multiple Ad Servers
by News
on 5th Feb 2024 inIn the dynamic world of digital advertising, media companies must integrate tools and platforms into their internal workflows that can adapt flexibly to the ever-changing demands of ad management. Against this backdrop, goTom has introduced a significant technological innovation that fundamentally changes ad server management for marketers with multiple ad servers.
Versatility in focus - Already known for its ability to seamlessly collaborate with various ad servers, goTom has expanded this functionality even further. It is now possible to not only control multiple ad servers within a campaign per flight but also distribute impressions of individual ad flights across multiple ad servers. This opens up opportunities for marketers to target network products strategically across various ad server seats.

Traffic Group feature - This provides full control over the distribution of impressions. With this integration, numerous ad server seats can be connected, and an unlimited number of traffic groups can be defined for each ad server and network product. This enables fine-grained control, even within a single ad server, to prioritise delivery differently.
Seamless data consolidation and transparent reporting - The line items intended to be delivered via various ad servers are seamlessly transmitted by goTom. Delivery data is subsequently sent back from the ad server to goTom and consolidated in the reporting under a single booked “flight.” This transparent presentation of results allows marketers to monitor campaign success in real-time within the software and make adjustments as needed.
“It is becoming increasingly urgent for publishers and networks to optimise advertising spend and campaign orchestration. Future success depends on increasing efficiency and automating processes, such as the ability to automate the management of different ad servers,” said Alban Grossenbachern, CEO, goTom AG.
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