Exchange Brief: Improve Digital Says Publishers Can Benefit From RTB; DoubleClick DFA Rigged To Work As A DSP

Improve Digital Says Publishers Can Benefit From RTB As Pubmatic Release Whitepaper On RTB

Pubmatic released its whitepaper on RTB entitled, 'Understanding Real-Time Bidding (RTB) From the Publisher Perspective” last week. The paper points to initial results carried out with DSP provider, Turn. Initial results from specific RTB campaigns executed by Turn showed an increase of up to 135 percent on click-throughs and 150 percent improvement in conversion rates. Why would a publisher use RTB though?

Improve Digital, Pubmatic’s European partners, see big earning potential for publishers using RTB – and are looking to roll out the latest version here in Europe in the first quarter. The key benefit here for the publishers is the improved value per impression and lift in eCPM rates.

The thinking here is that being able to target the right audience in real time – while taking into account past-campaign performance, transparency and audience data - will ultimately lift publishers’ eCPMs.
The Pubmatic report can be downloaded in full here.

Could DoubleClick DFA Be Rigged To Work As A DSP?

Brian Tomasette, Director, Product Sales at AOL, explores the idea of configuring an adserver to work as DSP. Here he talks about using DFA with Dart’s optimisation tool, Adapt, to buy inventory from individual DFP publishers. It might be possible but advises against agencies employing this strategy without hiring good tech people:

An interesting way I’m seeing this done is by using both an advertiser and publisher Adserver solution in tandem. For example taking an application of DFA for the Agency planning tools and matching it with an application of DFP with Adapt. Adapt is Dart’s solution for optimization to offer cpa pricing but if it’s only used for inventory sources for one advertiser it can be manipulated to be a performance buying platform. I’m not sure exactly how this is set up and what DART’s fees are for this (whether they charge you for both solutions and double dip on CPM’s) but Collective Media used to source Dart Adapt on their website (which they now call their proprietary AMP).

That said, I don’t think might be a sound solution for an agency trying to set up their own DSP platform without hiring on a technology department. Not sure what the costs are and how much you could customize it either.

Ciaran O'Kane: Ciaran O’Kane is the CEO of WireCorp, the publishing holding group focused on the digital advertising, retail technology and gaming sectors.  He has worked in digital advertising over the last twenty years as a developer, digital marketer, ad operations provider, media monetisation specialist and senior sales executive.  He continues to write editorial for ExchangeWire on advertising technology, marketing technology and programmatic  - and acts as an advisor to a number of leading digital media companies in Europe.
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