  • Power to the People: Connecting the Digital Ecosystem

    People-based marketing doesn't just need to refer to marketing within the digital ecosystem – it has the ability to drive efficiencies across all marketing channels, while connecting the dots to drive real business outcomes and tie channels together. LUMA Partners [...]

  • Unlocking the Value of Location, Location, Location

    The tide is turning for location-enabled advertising. Talked of for years, many have acknowledged its promise. But only now, with widespread smartphone uptake and latest developments in location-enabled advertising technology, can brand owners take full advantage of this and realise [...]

  • Cookie-Based Modelling is a Thing of the Past: Q&A with Katie Field, UK MD, Viant

    Cookie-based modelling is going further out of favour, due to its limitations in accuracy and cross-device targeting capabilities. People-based marketing is fast becoming the targeting method of choice; but, while often talked about, industry understanding seems to be limited. Katie [...]