  • What Is a 'Next Generation Agency'? Q&A with Andy Cocker & Martin Kelly, Infectious Media

    A ‘Next Generation Agency’ epitomises the changing face of the agency model. Agile, lean, independent, with proprietary technology, that doesn’t necessarily fit the ‘agency’ label. Infectious Media are the embodiment of this model. ExchangeWire meet with Andy Cocker, co-founder & [...]

  • Seasoned Cannes-Goers Provide Top Tips on How to Make the Most of Your Time There

    In a light-hearted departure from ad tech analysis, and with the 2016 Cannes Lions festival just two days away, ExchangeWire ask industry leaders, with much experience of the event, what their top tips for surviving Cannes are, with advice ranging [...]

  • The Rise of the Digital Consultant

    You only need to look at the ever popularly referenced LumaScapes to understand why a whole new industry of digital consultants has established itself in the last 18 months. The proliferation of technology in a rapidly evolving digital landscape has [...]