  • Break Out of the Walled Garden

    One of the most striking differences between the development of the desktop web and the mobile web is the insularity of the mobile web. Writing exclusively for ExchangeWire, Alex Moss, VP Sales, Europe, YouAppi, explains why, despite the convenience of the walled garden, [...]

  • Introducing IAB Argentina's New President; DynAdmic & Navegg Announce Deal in Brazil

    This week's LATAM Roundup introduces Gervasio Marques Peña, IAB Argentina's new president, who aims to consolidate the internet as a mass media environment locally and promote best practices in the Argentinian ad market; DMP Navegg and video company DynAdmic announce segmentation [...]

  • Starkes Wachstum für Programmatic in Deutschland; Purpur Media und Improve Digital kooperieren

    ExchangeWire bündelt die wichtigsten Nachrichten aus der Region DACH mit Schlaglicht-Interviews aus der deutschsprachigen Programmatic-Szene. Diese Woche: Programmatic-Wachstum in Deutschland überrascht Experten; Improve Digital kooperiert mit Purpur Media; Sizmek besetzt CDO-Stelle; Rocket Fuel bringt Anti-Malvertising-Lösung; und Fünf Fragen an Volker Hatz, [...]

  • Incoming Earthquake? The Possible Implications of Google's Ad Blocker

    The rumours about a built-in ad blocker for Chrome have travelled far and wide since The Wall Street Journal reported it three weeks ago, raising many questions about the future of the publishing, advertising, and ad-blocking worlds. Writing exclusively for [...]