Germany is an interesting market for the world of digital. It’s renowned for having strong publisher influence and its risk aversion with dealing with companies that operate outside of its borders. What does the market look like from the perspective [...]
Marketing clouds versus best-of-breed solutions – it’s a battle that rages on and there are certainly merits to both. ExchangeWire speak with Manuel Hinz (pictured below), co-founder and CEO, CrossEngage, which is a German company trying to solve advertisers’ cross-channel [...]
As the initial phase of this year’s Ad Trader conference closes, it appears the message is loud and clear, but as we all know; the problem still persists. This year's Ad Trader Conference, hosted in Berlin, is entering its second half, [...]
As ExchangeWire prepares for its fourth annual Ad Trader Conference, hosted in Germany, market sources here have told this publication that tier one broadcasters in Europe’s economic powerhouse are poised to embrace trading with programmatic players, potentially channeling lucrative brand [...]
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