
Company details

In-game advertising has really excited us at tmwi for a long time. Not only does it cut through to an avid younger audience, it drives mass engagement and recall. Working with Bidstack we have been able to merge advertising into the gaming arena, letting users experience the breadth of MG cars in a virtual world, which has never been done before for this brand
— Ronak Patel, Group Planning Director, tmwi

Company description

Bidstack is the leading in-game advertising & video game monetisation platform. Their sophisticated technology allows brands to serve advertisements into natural spaces within video games whilst protecting the gaming experience.These branded experiences can vary from trackside banners and cityscape billboards to pitch-side LED boards, skins or any other contextually relevant spaces within the Metaverse. They unlock gaming as a safe and effective media channel for brands and advertisers, allowing them to engage with a growing and diverse audience.